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Plastic gearing features and concepts


Gearing is one of the most widely used transmission methods in mechanical transmission parts, and plastic gears, as one of the gear products, are more and more widely used in various fields because of their light quality, low transmission noise, high temperature resistance of gears, and their ability to withstand high loads.

In the gear transmission, the gear transmission requires its accuracy, smoothness and uniformity, especially high-end mechanical products require higher gear accuracy.

An important feature of plastic products is the nominal wall, the thickness of which will affect the strength, cost and accuracy of the part.

And gear products in the transmission process noise and heterodyne control is particularly important, heterodyne generation mainly with the radial runout of the gear, tooth pitch accumulation error has an important relationship, but also with the shell centre distance size position tolerance has a great deal of have South China fragrance.

What is also important to know is that the production of the mould plays a decisive role in the accuracy of the gears and that the accuracy of the mould production is crucially linked to the processing method and the machining process.

With the development of science and the requirement for lighter gear products, gears have changed from metal gears to plastic gears, which require better compatibility, durability and wear resistance, as well as long life requirements.

The plastic gear grease can reduce noise, reduce wear and extend the life of the gear.

The use of synthetic lubricant gear grease, together with the appropriate addition of extreme pressure additives and solid lubricants, will not only improve the load-bearing capacity of the tooth surfaces, but will also improve transmission efficiency and extend the service life of the gears.

Plastic gears are essentially a plastic structural component whose main function is for the transmission of power and motion, therefore, plastic gear structures must follow the laws of both transmission component design and structural design of plastic structural components for comprehensive design.

The gear teeth are an important part of the transmission and are the core of the entire gear. Two aspects of gear design should be noted, one is tooth shape correction and the other is balanced tooth thickness.

Tooth shaping: When plastic gears are processed by the moulding method, tooth shaping is ensured by the shape of the mould cavity.

Also, as the cavities are mostly machined by wire cutting, there is no root cutting as in metal gear machining.

However, the absence of root cut does not mean that the tooth profile will not interfere, so a tooth profile correction is necessary to ensure that the plastic gear has a good meshing profile.
